The June Garden
With May out of the way, summer is hopefully here at last. There are plenty of jobs to do in the garden, such as mowing and cutting back plants, this time of the year is when you can really begin to enjoy your garden. Gardening shouldn’t always be a challenge, so above all else, take the time to sit and enjoy the delights of your garden.
Think of June as the moment when things hit their peak; borders look spectacular and summer vegetables and soft fruit are flourishing. Ornamental borders will soon be at the peak of perfection.
Towards the end of the month, roses will begin to flower in earnest. As with most roses, the scent is wonderful, and there is a brilliant selection of flower colours and shapes available.
With a few days of rain, the weather in June is particularly warm. Often with occasional thunderstorms, followed by hot, dry spells, so keep an eye on all newly planted plants and water them as and when required. Due to the sun being intense, I think it is time to shade your greenhouses and conservatories throughout the day to prevent plants from being scorched in oven-like temperatures.
There are many things you can do in June, these include:
Mow your lawns regularly and trim the edges.
Look out for pests, diseases and suckers on your roses.
Keep your fruit and vegetables well-watered during any dry spells.
Take cuttings from Dianthus plumarius.
Finish pruning spring-flowering shrubs such as Forsythia, Viburnum and Weigela.
Shade and ventilate your greenhouses to prevent plants from getting burnt.
Lift and divide clumps of overgrown bulbs.
Plant out summer bedding plants, also plant out winter brassicas, to protect them from pests.
Propagate your climbers by layering them.
Water new and young plants as required.
Give your lawns a boost with a liquid feed if they’re looking a bit tired, and water new lawns which were laid in the spring.
Cut back and tidy up any perennials if you haven’t done so already.
Continue weeding and deadheading plants in your garden.
Harvest vegetables as they come to maturity.
Sow seeds of perennials in your garden.
In June it is your last chance to continue to sow hardy annuals outside in order for them to flower this year, as well as planting out tender vegetables such as tomatoes and planting new plants before the summer starts to really heat up.
I recommend looking ahead at pegging down strawberry runners in order for them to make new plants. I also recommend sowing Chicory to force in winter.